• This is us!
    This is us!
  • Our new vests
    Our new vests
  • And the backs
    And the backs
  • Almost home
    Almost home
  • Pre run briefing
    Pre run briefing
  • Running New Year's day at Coral Bay
    Running New Year's day at Coral Bay

Welcome to Paphos Running Club

We are a well-established club with a very diverse range of interests and abilities, catering for swimmers, paddlers, cyclists and triathletes, as well as runners of course, from absolute beginners to elite and ex-professional athletes. 

Our famous ladies only “Sole Sisters” initiative has introduced many complete beginners to running, and has become one of the strongest elements of the club, with many achieving results neither they nor their friends thought were possible.

At the other end of the spectrum we have cyclists, runners and swimmers at the very top of the UK age group league tables, so whatever your interests or abilities, with well over 100 members and a very active year-round schedule, we will have something for you.

We could brag all day about our podium performances, but consider our most attractive feature as a club to be the welcoming sociable camaraderie we extend to allcomers, whatever their ability.  Come and see this for yourself any Saturday morning, where after some form of activity centred around the Coral Bay Corallia car park – a run and/or swim, perhaps one of our monthly Club Handicap races, or even a full-blown triathlon session – we congregate for breakfast in the nearby Frog and Toad.

This breakfast meeting is the hub of our weekly cycle, but be warned that if you have broken ribs it would be best not to attend until they have healed because laughter is very painful.  This is a great vehicle for planning the week ahead, technical advice, training tips, blowing your own trumpet (if you dare to risk the inevitable ribbing), sharing stories, applauding each-others’ achievements and welcoming newcomers or occasional holiday makers.

We have qualified coaches who can develop individual training programmes to prepare you for specific events, and whilst we do things as professionally as we can, we don’t take ourselves too seriously.  Our 365 day schedule caters for those who just want to chat as they jog, bimble along on a shopping bike to a leisurely coffee stop, get stuck into full-on marathon/ultra-marathon training runs, or serious 5 hour “chain-gang” training rides on a superlight bike.

We frequent a mixture of on and off-road running routes, on the Akamas, along the beaches and in the surrounding villages. Rides follow the same pattern, from local loops to day-long adventures up to Troodos and Mount Olympus, visiting places and seeing sights you would not otherwise encounter.  Swimming is very popular too, mostly in the sea, but also some coached pool sessions to perfect techniques.

We organise the scenic traffic-free 5km Paphos Park Run on the first Sunday in every month, the only club on the island to run such a series, so if you are looking for a club with a difference, a club which caters for a very wide range of interests and abilities, then this is it.

Why delay, find our schedule on Facebook, or better still, contact us directly:

 Facebook:  Paphos Running Club / Sole Sisters

President Sue Cordrey  +357-9763-8375

Running Captain Allan Devereux  +357-9998-3352