Sue Cordrey - President

Sue Cordrey

Affectionately known as “The Boss”, Sue is our first and only PRC President. She has masterminded our rejuvenation since 2017, first of all with the tremendously successful and ongoing Sole Sisters initiative, but also by persevering with her “Pet Paphos Park Run Project”, now in full swing very much as a team effort.

You may not know she has 40 marathons under her belt, but the stamina and determination involved in those 1,700 Kms of endurance racing, is no more impressive than the drive she has shown in raising the profile of PRC in the local community.

Sue is our unofficial Sales and Marketing Director whose contribution to our success has been second to none.  She brings ideas and drive to every aspect of our activities, but was too modest to write all this stuff about herself!

If you would like to contact Sue by email click here

Steelie - Chairman

My professional role is to identify talented people, then coach them and their teams to achieve their full potential.  Similarly, as a First Category Racing Cyclist in my 20’s, I actively coached and mentored junior talent, occasionally to World Class honours.

Good communication between the Committee and ALL members is in my opinion key to a successful club.  I also think we need a far more proactive approach to coordinating our athletic talents, in the same organised way we have achieved our impressive triathlon results.

A more visible and accessible committee, with a publicised timetable of meetings, prompt responses to members’ questions and  feedback  on  activities, decisions, projects and plans, would improve unity and a sense of collective responsibility.  We cannot operate such a diverse PRC with 200 members the same carefree way as we ran it with 2 dozen members and little or no diversity.

Allan Devereux - Running Captain

Where do I start? At the bottom of course, but you all know that by now, after all it is ME we are talking about (as usual). Having narrowly missed out on the role of Wonder Woman to Lynda Carter, I decided to turn my talents in another direction. Cyprus looked interesting and a gay free zone.

That needed rectifying, so I threw myself wholeheartedly into that cause, tiara & wand at hand!  Over 18 years later and I am still causing mayhem and spreading (ahem) the love!  I could list my many achievements, majorette, trollop, drag queen, part time actor, vicar, home wrecker, but one doesn't like to boast......

I've been a member of PRC for a few years now and love the friendliness of the club. I realise there is a lot of hard work behind the scenes and feel it's now my turn to get stuck in and help or hinder where I can.

Julie Rossouw - Treasurer

I have run all my life, been active in numerous running & triathlon clubs, completed 5 Comrades Marathons, 3 Full distance Ironman races, 12 Half distance ironman races, 4 World Championships and much more besides. 

In South Africa I was treasurer of the Amanzimtoti Athletic Club for several years, race administrator for the Sappi Saiccor Marathon for 9 years, and in 2007 organised a fund-raising group which raised £100K by running 2 marathons (Dubai & London) in aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind.

I am a qualified Bookkeeper, a BA (Hons) in Psychology and a qualified level 3 Personal Trainer. 

Peter Portnoi - Running Chairman (RUN)

Little did I know that the promise of a “Gala Dinner” craftily followed up with invitations to take part in Triathlon Training sessions, would lead to so many life opportunities!

I skipped the C25K phase and at the ripe old age of 50, went straight from Couch to London Marathon.  This was an alcohol fuelled decision in aid of charity.  That was over 20 years ago.

I went on to complete the New York Marathon the same year and then joined Poole Runners in Dorset, continuing to run a number of Marathons, Half Marathons and 10K races in the UK and abroad. I won my age group in the 2021 Logicom Marathon and more recently took part in the Chicago marathon in 2022 and London marathons in 2023 and 2024.

I was on Poole Runners’ Committee for several years, but we now spend 9 months a year in Cyprus, so I would like to contribute the knowledge and expertise I have picked up along the way by being an active PRC committee member.

Truus Shannon - Walking Captain (HIKE)

I moved to Cyprus in 2007, prior to which I had several roles, including as an au pair (in UK), office manager, teacher, secretary, and school governor.  I have always been into physical activity – not just walking - and was involved in supporting the World Cycling Track Championships in Leicester.

The PRC walking group started in January 2020, and I stepped up to the plate that autumn.  The walks are growing steadily - up to 45 walkers so far!

We cover around 5km to 8km, over varied terrain, flat, hilly, coastal and countryside, and I intend to promote greater involvement of members by incorporating some PRC running routes, with the help of runners who enjoy walking.  There are many walks and no shortage of people who I feel sure would be willing to become involved in leading the group on new walks from time to time.

Mark Grere - Cycling Captain (BIKE)

Having spent time on and off in Cyprus since 2021, I had the good fortune to MARK GREREencounter a posse of Wheelnutters, which provided my entry into PRC.

The cycling side of the club has developed significantly since then, from twice weekly bimbles around Coral Bay and Sea Caves, to longer and more challenging Awayday and Adventure rides, and a growth in numbers has allowed designing rides for riders of different abilities (while hopefully all ending up at the same coffee stop!).

With a technology background, I aim to assist with improving the way  in  which  events  are  organised and communicated, providing a better of view of what is happening for members, while reducing the time and effort expended by organisers in making it all happen.

Martin Hodge - Swimming Captain (SWIM)

I retired from the oil industry at the end of 2019, became resident in Cyprus andMARTIN HODGE joined PRC not long after. I’ve been swimming competitively since I was ten years old at various domestic and international levels. I also have some teaching qualifications and a  good deal of competition coaching experience.

We started the PRC open water swimming group three years ago, rebranded this year as PRC Wave Warriors and now have over 30 club member followers.

I also enjoy easy runs and cycling with other club members, and do odd jobs for the club as required.  Remember: “If swimming were easy it would be called cricket”.

Jackie Mizon - Sole Sisters Coordinator

I was always a gym junkie but didn’t think I could run until I was talked into it by my Jackie Mizondaughter.   After 6 weeks of pain we ran 2 miles without stopping, she quit, went off to university and I continued. I discovered the beauty of exercising and socialising at the same time, so the gym soon became a distant memory! Since then I have run several races, including 3 Half Marathons.

In the UK I owned and ran a roofing company with my husband. I did all the finance, scheduling, database, health and safety, all good experiences for being on the committee of our growing PRC.

For fun I do my own nails, I’ll be the one running with the colourful talons, always a great topic among the ladies! 

Since joining PRC 5 years ago, Sole Sisters has grown and flourished, I’m passionate about our ladies group and encouraging more people to get off the sofa and run.  

Karen Ingham - Sole Sisters Support

Up to the age of 54 I could barely run a bath let alone run for a bus!  I was overweight KAREN INGHAMand had not exercised since school so I decided to lose the weight and get fit!  Time, hard work and lockdown helped! I did C25K on my own with the app just to get out of the house! I lost the weight and felt fitter, but would never have joined a club.

And then this club and its members took me in! I now run 5 – 7k, 3 or 4 times a week so the message is, no matter where you start from you are welcome here at PRC, just as I was.

As a committee member I am hoping to return the favour to all club members who have welcomed me and coached me (you know who you are!)