Open Water Swim Coaching


Between April and October (when the buoys are in the water at Corallia), we meet in the Car Park on Wednesdays at 4pm.


Sessions cater for almost all abilities from competitive swimmers and triathletes through to just having a general keep fit and fun activity, but the minimum standard required to take part is to be comfortable swimming out to the buoys and back.  


Each session is usually between 45 mins and an hour, during which we cover 1km to 1.5kms.  We start with stretching and a safety brief, using a “buddy system” to ensure nobody becomes isolated, and again for safety reasons, we do not venture beyond the buoys.


We deal with various techniques, including swimming straight and land sighting, because this is important to avoid swimming too far in the swim leg of a triathlon or indeed in any open water competition.

We also work on drills for breathing, distance per stroke and changing direction round the buoys.

To finish we have an easy swim back to the beach, followed by cold drinks (Keo and non-alcoholic), individual advice and coaching, with a general social get together for participants and their supporters.

Numbers vary, depending on who is in Cyprus at the time, but usually between 6-10 swimmers attend.

Anybody interested can contact Martin Hodge on: