Paphos Running Club Constitution 2022

Club Name

1.       The name of the club shall be Paphos Running Club (“the Club”).

Club Colours

2.       Club colours shall be determined by a simple majority at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) or Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).

Club Objective

3.       The Club Objective is to facilitate participation in and promotion of recreational and competitive running and other sporting and social activities in the Paphos district.


4.       Membership of the Club shall be open on application to anyone aged 12 or over, subject to approval by the committee.  There shall be three classes of membership:

a.       Full Member - a Full Member shall be at least 18 years of age.

b.       Non-Resident Member - a Non-Resident Member shall be a person who spends less than half the year in Paphos District and is at least 18 years of age.

c.       Youth Member - a Youth Member shall be a person aged under 18 years.

5.       By becoming a member of the Club, every member agrees to abide by the Club’s Constitution and the rules and regulations of any other organisation to which the club may decide to affiliate.

6.       The Club may, as a condition of membership, require the payment of annual or other periodic subscriptions, as determined from time to time at an AGM or EGM.

7.       Full Members and Non-Resident Members may vote at Club Meetings.  Members of other Classes may not vote unless elected to the Committee.

8.       Members may resign at any time by giving notice in writing or by e-mail to the Secretary, subject to payment of all subscriptions due at the time of resignation.

Club Committee:

9.       The day-to-day management of the Club shall be deputed to a Committee, which shall appoint a Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer from among its elected number.  The Committee may co-opt non-voting members.  A President, who shall automatically be a full voting member of the Committee, is not required, but may be elected at an AGM or EGM before other Committee members.  The total number of elected committee members shall be no more than ten and an EGM shall be called if the number reduces below four or is expected to reduce below four.  All Committee Members shall serve for a period of one year and may be re-elected after that period.

10.     Any willing member may be nominated by any two other Full or Non-Resident members as a candidate for Committee Member by notice in writing (including email) to the Secretary at least two weeks before the date of an AGM or EGM. In the event that there are insufficient valid nominations for vacant positions at the time of an AGM or EGM, the requirement for two weeks’ notice in writing may be dispensed with.

11.     The quorum for a Committee meeting shall be a minimum of half the elected number and not less than three.

12.     The Committee may regulate its meetings and proceedings as it thinks fit, and shall, within two weeks of each meeting, record any decisions and publish relevant decisions to Club members.  Within one week after a meeting, the Secretary shall distribute minutes of the meeting to the other Committee members for comment.

13.     In order to allow for the day-to-day operation of the Club, subject to this Constitution, the Committee is empowered to make rules, organise Club activities, safeguard and use Club monies for the benefit of the Club, and delegate functions to Club members.

14.     The Committee may do all such things it considers necessary to further the interests of the Club unless contrary to this Constitution or a resolution of the Full and Non-Resident club members.

Annual General Meeting

15.     The AGM of the Club shall be held within the month of January or February each year, on a date and at a reasonable time and place to be fixed by the Committee, for the following purposes and order of business:

a.       To receive an Annual Report, balance sheet and statement of accounts for the preceding financial year.

b.       To elect the Committee.

c.       To decide on any motion submitted to the meeting in accordance with this Constitution.

Extraordinary General Meeting

16.     An EGM may be called by the Committee at any time, and shall be called by the Committee on application of at least 25% of Full and Non-Resident members, by giving at least three weeks’ notice in writing or by e-mail.

Conduct of General Meetings

17.     Any motion for consideration at an AGM or EGM shall normally be submitted in writing or by e-mail to the Secretary at least two weeks before the meeting.

18.     Any motion shall require a proposer and a seconder before a vote is taken.

19.     The Chairman shall have discretion to accept a motion without notice at an AGM or EGM, only if he or she considers the matter to be urgent and that lack of notice is not prejudicial to proper consideration.

20.     Motions shall be carried by a simple majority of those voting at an AGM or EGM, except that any motion that alters the Club Constitution shall require a two-thirds majority of those voting. 

21.     Voting shall normally be by show of hands, but the Chairman may direct that voting be by ballot.

22.     The quorum at an AGM or EGM shall be one quarter of all registered Full and Non-Resident members.

Disciplinary Procedures

23.     The Club shall not tolerate anti-social behaviour, nor physical or mental abuse, harassment, discrimination or defamation.

24.     Any Member may be disciplined or excluded from membership of the Club for any conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Club.

25.     Exclusion shall be agreed by resolution of a simple majority of Committee members attending a properly convened Committee meeting or a simple majority of Full and Non-Resident members attending an AGM or EGM.

Approved 10 April 2017, amended at AGMs 5 February 2018, 11 February 2019, 28 February 2021 and 28 February 2022